
If you went into business to do whatever it was you felt motivated to do, but instead have found yourself wrestling with systems, software, data, and information, then this is the site to bookmark.

No selling, no pitches, just straightforward information set out in as clear and accessible a way as possible, so that you can navigate your way around data, and the associated tools, whether database systems, spreadsheets, dashboards, or management reports.

Some of the content here is technical, of course, but you can take it as far as you like. If it all gets too much, then (despite the no selling rule!) you can always get in touch, and I’d be delighted to help out.

Otherwise, you will perhaps find that a lot of this stuff isn’t as complicated as it looks.

Whichever camp you fall into, you will find something worthwhile here – I hope you’ll keep coming back as the content grows.