Access Database: Principles
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “Access Database Basics” Access Database: Principles Access Database: Get Started The Access database application in Microsoft Office is a divisive issue. Lots of “techies” claim that it has no place in serious...Programming Excel: Relative References in macros
On the View ribbon in Excel, the third option under the Macro section says Use Relative References. This may seem a bit of bewildering technical jargon at first but it makes quite a bit of sense once you get used to it. First, make sure that the option is switched off...Programming Excel: Record a simple macro
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “Programming Excel” Programming Excel: Principles Programming Excel: Record a simple macro Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a relatively straightforward and inuititive programming language that is, nonetheless,...Programming Excel: Principles
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “Programming Excel” Programming Excel: Principles Programming Excel: Record a simple macro So, just to clarify, when we talk about programming Excel, we are not talking about using the standard functions and formulas. In...
Getting started with Data Management
We’ve all heard of “garbage in, garbage out”, so even though the primary focus of any statistical analysis will be the outcome, that will be next to useless without the proper raw materials. Indeed, many analysts might claim that the process is in...